In an attempt to perfect the are of "show-offistry", I write this message a mere two and a half hours before check-in.
I leave for a holiday today, gallivanting across Europe for a month. I shall attempt to get in contact somewhere on my extravagant trip as the novelty of posting from abroad is appealing.
If not, see you all come the 3rd of March.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Well well well.
Ok, what is your opinion on the unequal distribution of G.S.T. revenue among the states, and what will be your individual approach (assuming that you won't have a collective approach as neither Labour or the Liberals will touch you with a ten-foot, twenty-foot, thirty-foot poll) to this issue?
Or exactly how are you going to tackle the issue of the problems at Auburn hospital? What sort of fiscal proposal will you submit or suggest to the Premier to alleviate these pressing troubles in your electorate?
And with these national terror laws you're attempting to abolish at the state level, what would you have in their place? Wait, that's right, you would have nothing and wait until we actually have an attack in Australia. Because only after the attack do we have terrorists, right? I mean we of course wouldn't have terrorists in our borders before an attack. It's common sense people!
Oh, and it's nice to see Mr. Habib rewriting the dictionary to include "no school, no study, people are staying in the streets looking for jobs" as a form of torture. I thought the Yanks saying waterboarding wasn't a form or torture was a bit far-fetched, but this is off the scale at the other end.
The end result is this: there's another whack out there thinking that he should go to some level of government so that everyone can hear his voice louder. His story should be listened to. His injustice is noteworthy. But government isn't a place for activism. Otherwise the Greens and the Socialist Alliance would have much more popularity. What people want are level-headed, commonsense, real-shit people. Not this guy.
I refrained from commenting on that idiot Mundine's supposed run for government, and then Sheik Retard's rumoured run, then his blessing or support or what ever of (expectedly) Muslim candidates. But this was too good to leave out. It had best be obvious and crystal clear to the people of Auburn that this guy has no political know-how or idea as to how things are run or what the hell he should do if he gets elected, because it's bloody clear to me!
Posted by
8:55 pm
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Next time America decides to invade and take-over another country, they should forget about Iran or Syria and head straight for Britain. Fucking hell! There's got to be more terrorists there than the whole of the Middle East! This is, what?, the sixth terror plot to be "foiled" by the Bobbies in the past few years? And how many terror attacks did Saddam have in the works? Wait, that's right, none!
Wait, I think I'm onto something here. I mean, it's a hotbed for terrorists this Britain, it's been an aggressive international power for many, many years, had an "evil" empire for a while (it still does some would argue), has been responsible for genocide in the past, has been an ally and an enemy of the United States. If you didn't know better, you'd think I'd be talking about Iraq, wouldn't you?
Ok, so after thinking it over, I will submit the following proposal to the United States Embassy as soon as all the fine details are done. But, while in its rough and shell-stage, I'm prepared to let everyone have a little look at the next chapter in the War on Terror.
- Using up-to-date satellite imaging, secure mappings of latest topography, landmarks and infrastructure of Britain. Done;
- Co-ordinate with the Chief-of-Staffs to formalize the most effective and least cost-of-life attack plans. Done;
- Secure allies in the attack. Suggestions include: Scotland (history of conflict, recent instability), Ireland (history of conflict, recent hotbed of activity), France (extensive history of conflict, recent international troubles), America (history of conflict), Australia (recent hotbed of activity), Germany (Arch-nemesis);
- Formulate specific and effective fall-out plan. Done;
- Ensure all sources, intelligence and information is accurate and up-to-date, i.e. use reputable sources like this, this, and this;
- Have a high-profile, political figure deliver any presentations so as to persuade all administrations that this is legit. Subsequently, this will be one of the many fall-guys with little blame;
- Kick ass! OOOO-RAAAH!!!
Posted by
4:55 pm