Saturday, January 13, 2007

So here's my take on time travel. I know, this comes from left field, but it's something I've thought about because it sends my mind into some drug-free psychedelic state, along with thinking what our Universe is in, what there would be if the Universe never existed, what happens in and through a Black Hole etc.

Ok, so in high school we were taught that there is a finite amount of matter in the Universe and that we can neither create or destroy, only re-appropriate the 'make-up' (i.e. from liquid to gas through heat, adding a proton to hydrogen atom to create a helium atom etc.). Granted, this was in high school, so they probably dumbed it down ... way down. But this makes sense to me: there is only so much in the Universe, a finite amount of whatever, which was created at the start, or was there at the start, with the Big Bang.

Now, at any given point in time, you are made up of matter, yes? In fact, while you exist within time, you must be made up of matter, otherwise you physically cease to exist. Now, let's say I went back a day - I think it would be safe to say that the matter that makes me up now is, for 90%+ of it, the same as what made me up a day ago. Sure, I've shed dead skin, had some hairs fall out, shaved etc., but the same carbon, calcium and other solids that make me a tangible item in the Universe are pretty much unchanged between 24 hours ago and now.

So, yeah, I've gone back a day in time: where is the matter that would make Future Thomas up? That's right, it's doing its job making Past Thomas up. So here's what could happen: all the matter that I (Future Thomas) need to make myself up with (because, remember that I've also gained matter, i.e. eating, drinking etc.) reappropriates itself to become me, the Future Thomas in the Past World, which, effectively kills Past Thomas, and could very well destabilise the atomic make-up of, say, the hamburger I ate last night. And with this change in atomic make-up, it could cause major problems - from an implosion of matter to something like a nuclear explosion.

I haven't had any successful scientific experiments to prove what the major problems could be, but suffice to say there would be problems if matter was just being reassigned to a new physical presence in a world that it shouldn't be in.

Ok, now onto the second problem - let's say that I did travel back in time and 'sucked' all the matter I needed to me to make Future Thomas exist in the Past World. That would kill past Thomas. Then if I died yesterday, Future Thomas would never have existed, and thus, never have travelled to the future to travel back in time, right? But it was the act of Future Thomas travelling back in time that killed Past Thomas, and thus caused Future Thomas to not even exist. It's a vicious loop, and not confusing when you think about it. So what would exactly happen? Well, it's a bit hard to say, but it might just be that someone could travel back in time, and from the split-second that the Future Person comes into existence in the Past World, no longer does Past or Future person exist. At all. They simply disappear into free-floating matter, moving about the Universe with no purpose.

Oh, but wait, that matter had a purpose over the next thousand years: whether it be ashes in an urn, a skeleton in a museum, bones in the ground, anything. So that matter, those particles to the atom, actually had a purpose that was deviated when the Past and Future person ceased to exist. So not only would those persons stop existing, but whatever those particles went on to create or become. Which changes the whole course of the future in a second, and, possibly, destroys reality and the delicate balance of the Universe.

So the message behind this post: celebrate Easter.


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