Monday, March 26, 2007

You will note that I didn't comment, nor even reference, the N.S.W. elections that came and went slower than a turtle on dope. That's because, well, I frankly couldn't give two hoots about what happened. Sure, I'm a politics fanatic, love the stuff, but that wasn't politics. That election, the way it played out, the whole deal, was just pathetic, abysmal and boring. Iemma and Debnam are up there among the most boring, incompetent and unelectable person to ever lead a party.

So, to keep with tradition, I'm not going to talk about the N.S.W. election any more. It's been done to death by a million other people. Besides, it gives me a chance to refocus my attention on Rudd running wild all over the Liberals and Nationals. Go Rudd!


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