Friday, June 15, 2007

I do enjoy America's favourite pastime of bowling. I enjoy it quite a bit actually.

Today I went bowling with my friend Andrew. It's certainly they most demanding sport that either of us could handle. Today was not Andrew's day. In fact, it wasn't his month or year. He does have good rounds often, though today, with the rain, the moon and the ring of Saturn all working against him, he was behind the eight ball from the get-go.

I, on the other hand, bowled the greatest game of my life. 209 in the first game. 2-0-9! That's nearer to a perfect 300 game than to a toddler-no-bumpers game of 0. I'd never broken the 200 mark before, and on my last bowl, I hit a 9, leaving one pin standing from the strike. I hit four strikes on the trot somewhere, and didn't not hit a pin in each frame. And there were only two frames where I didn't get a spare of a strike. I was quite proud of my achievements.

By the end of the three games I had bowled over 500, with my two others games notching up approx. 170 and 150. I appeared to go from best to worse as the games went on strangely enough. But, you know, you can't be choosy about these things. 209 I'll take any day, any game. I'd like to say that I'm going to try and set out to beat it, you know, to instill some sort of motivation or goal in my life, but even I know I won't be getting close to it again. It was just one of those days at the alley I guess.


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