Thursday, April 05, 2007

The end of semester is going to be a whole basket full of fun. I can categorically say that I have had the worst that Sydney University can offer in terms of lecturers this time round. Not all of them, but I would say six (of the eleven) that I have had are absolutely horrible. In the past I've had one or two, at the most, who were bad. But this time they are truly abhorred in terms of style and presentation. And one of the subjects I'm doing, as a whole, should be cast out to the void of the universe - it seriously isn't fit to be spoken about, much less taught.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is the end of semester, as not only does this torment end, but I get to fill out evaluation papers for each and every subject. I've never written a totally negative one before ... but there's a first for everything. I've already begun to plan what I'm going to scribble down, and it isn't pleasant at all. No sir-ee. And when I do, I'm going to make sure it makes its way onto here in some form or another, just as a recommendation to all those prospective students of these awful lecturers to avoid at all costs.


1 comment:

Michael P. said...

I feel nostalgic...